What's New this Fall @ LDAA

As we enjoy the beautiful warm weather and vibrant fall colours, we are now in the full swing of back to school and are excited to share new webinars, conferences, programs and more - all in support of LD Awareness month.

Check out what’s inside this edition:

Supporting Literacy for your Child at Home

Register for this special webinar designed to provide invaluable support and resources for parents with children with learning disabilities.

Find Your Path: Strategies for Success Conference

Strategies for Success in Calgary on Saturday, October 26th,  is all about practical take-aways for those with Learning Disabilities or ADHD on executive functioning, mental health, ADHD medication, math strategies, advocacy, relationships and more! 

Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities - CFOLD Survey Here!

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) proudly announces the launch of the Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities (CFOLD) survey. Fill out the survey today! Your input helps shape the future for those with LD’s.


Employability can be a barrier when living with ADHD or a learning disability. Check out this interactive training that transforms obstacles into enriching learning opportunities for young adults in the workforce with ADHD or a learning disability and their employers.

Supporting Literacy at Home

Children with Learning Disabilities and Differences: What Parents Need to Know

You won’t want to miss this live webinar on October 21st from 7pm - 8pm MST. Sign up for one or all 5 of our Parent webinars - ideal for anyone who is a parent or works with parents. Teachers, doctors, psychologists, and service providers - please share with the parents you work with. Parent Series – LDAA – Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta (ldalberta.ca)

Find Your Path Conference - for Everyone!

Find Your Path: Strategies for Success on October 26th in Calgary at the Genesis Centre, is all about practical take-aways for those with Learning Disabilities or ADHD on executive functioning, mental health, ADHD medication, math strategies, advocacy, relationships and more! 

If you are a parent, educate children, service provider, or are an adult looking to strengthen your skill set, this conference is for you. Click the poster for more info.

Find Your Path: Strategies for Success Conference - LD & ADHD Network (ldadhdnetwork.ca)

CFOLD Survey

Are you a Canadian aged 18 or older, with a learning disability?

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) proudly announces the launch of the Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities (CFOLD)survey. The outcome of this survey will provide valuable information as to the lived experiences of individuals in Canada who have a learning disability (LD). The CFOLD survey focuses on mental health impact, workplace experiences and education. Canadians who self-identify as LD and who are 18 or older are invited to learn more and complete the survey.

Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities (CFOLD) (office.com)


An Employability Skills Game

Employability can be a barrier when living with ADHD or a learning disability. Check out this interactive training that transforms obstacles into enriching learning opportunities for young adults with ADHD or a learning disability and their employers. Click the image to visit the site!

Bambooza: Learning Experience for ADHD