On going registration and recorded live sessions available. This 7 part webinar series will be going through key research findings and it will start with a 3-part dive inside Dyslexia. Next, it describes how to use literacy assessments to inform instruction. As well as share strategies to strengthen word recognition skills, which so many students find challenging. Finally, it will end by providing concrete suggestions for providing literacy intervention to struggling readers and spellers. The panel of presenters, all experts in their fields, are committed to promoting evidence-based literacy instruction for all learners.
The Webinar Series
Inside Dyslexia – Part 1: Introduction
- Presenter: Tanya Keto, Manager of Professional Development and Parent Education for Foothills Academy Society.
- Topics include: The language associated with Dyslexia: “Learning Disability”, “Reading LD”, “Specific Learning Disorder in Reading”.
- Myths & Statistics
- Developmental trajectory of Dyslexia
Inside Dyslexia – Part 2: Diagnosis and Academic Impact
- Presenter: Tanya Keto, Manager of Professional Development and Parent Education for Foothills Academy Society.
- Topics include: Diagnosis: Current models and best practices
- The Wait to Fail model: prevention VS intervention
- The cognitive processes linked to Dyslexia
- Impact across academics: Writing, spelling, vocabulary, writing, etc.
Inside Dyslexia – Part 3: How Can We Help
- Presenter: Tanya Keto, Manager of Professional Development and Parent Education for Foothills Academy Society.
- Topics include: Early screening, prevention, and intervention
- Evidence-based interventions and curriculum-based measurement
- Assistive Technology and evidence-based resources, websites, etc. for supporting students
The Whys and How’s of Literacy Assessment
- Presenter: Dr. Lesly Wade-Wooley, Professor Special Education, University of Alberta
- Assessment is one of those words that mean different things in different situations. In this webinar we will talk about how teachers can use a variety of literacy assessment instruments for specific purposes and interpret assessment information to help make instructional decisions for students at various skill levels.
Strengthening Sound-Letter Correspondence through Sound Walls
- Presenter: Pam Lougheed Stack – Literacy Director for the LDAA
- This webinar will cover how to set-up and use a Sound-Wall to teach the 44 speech sounds, build sound-letter correspondences, and effectively tie phonemic awareness activities into your phonics instruction.
Phonics and Orthographic Mapping for Reading and Spelling
- Presenter: Kristy Dunn – Doctoral Candidate, Special Education, University of Alberta
- Orthographic mapping, the mental process used to permanently store words (sight words) for efficient and automatic retrieval, is essential for becoming a fluent reader and proficient speller. This webinar will explore sight word development and provide an overview of activities that can be used to support students in mapping sound to print for reading and spelling.
District Adopts Science of Reading Instruction and Interventions – Changing Reading Outcomes for Kids
- Presenter: Mike McMann – Superintendent of Fort Vermilion School Division
- On our 5-year journey to move kids along in their reading and writing, the Fort Vermilion School Division (FVSD) has implemented structured literacy supports with interventions to move the system forward. FVSD has seen huge growth in literacy skills and Covid had no impact on the results. Come listen to practical strategies that make a difference.
All sessions will be recorded so if you are not able to attend the live event, access to the recording will be provided, including the presentation and handouts.
REGISTRATION – To read more about our presenters’ educational backgrounds and experience and to register for this webinar series. The cost is $150.00 per ticket for an individual, but if you are looking to get a group rate please contact info@righttoread.ca The ticket covers all seven webinars. A Zoom link will be sent to you a few days prior to each webinar date. An access code will also be given to you to use on our Right to Read website, the Science of Reading tab. The code will give you access to the recordings of the webinars, the presentations and all handouts. The webinar information will be posted to the website one week after the webinar date. Group rate tickets are available: please contact info@righttoread.ca
If you happened to miss last years webinar series you can still catch it in an 8 part, self-paced, pre-recorded webinar series . REGISTER FOR LAST YEARS PRE-RECORDED SERIES