December Updates at LDAA

As we move into the cold winter months and prepare for the holiday season, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of it all. When we stop to be present, slow down, and look around, we start to see all the goodness that surrounds us.

Check out what’s inside this edition and scroll down for more info:

Show Your Support by Donating this Holiday Season

This Tuesday, December 3rd is international ‘Giving Tuesday’. It’s a day where charities across North America reach out for support after the hustle and bustle of Black Friday and Cyber Monday and ask….

Supporting Literacy for your Child at Home

Register for this special webinar that focuses on LD’s & Mental Health, designed to provide invaluable support and resources for parents with children with learning disabilities. Only $25 or sign up for the full on-demand webinar series which offers 5 valuable sessions that offer help, insight, and….

We’re Hiring!

We are in search of a part-time Program Coordinator. If you have knowledge of learning disabilities, the nonprofit sector, and like to be part of a team - this job might be….

Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities - CFOLD Survey Here!

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) proudly announces the launch of the Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities (CFOLD) survey. Fill out the survey today! Your input helps shape the future for those with…

Stocking Stuffers!

Looking for a fun gift idea for your teen this holiday season? Check out the Learner’s License Prep Kit - it’s a great study guide for anyone wanting who wants to ace their…

Donate Today

Did you know learning disabilities affect 1 in 10 Canadians of all ages. People with LD’s often have an additional diagnosis of ADHD and/or other complexities for learning.

As we approach Giving Tuesday, this December 3rd, our goal is to raise $2500 for our 'Increasing Access to Literacy Programs and Courses' project.

Please consider donating $25, $50, or any amount towards our project that will reach 1000's of children, families, educators, and service providers across Alberta.

Charitable receipts are available.

LD’s & Mental Health

Supporting Parents Webinar Series

You won’t want to miss this live webinar on December 2nd from 7pm - 8pm MST. Sign up for one or all 5 of our Parent webinars - ideal for anyone who is a parent or works with parents. Teachers, doctors, psychologists, and service providers - please share with the parents you work with. Parent Series – LDAA – Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta (

We’re Hiring!

Program Coordinator

Check out our website to find out more about the part-time Program Coordinator role. Please feel free to share with your colleagues and friends. Click the photo to visit our website.

Learning Disabilities Survey

We need your help!

Are you a Canadian aged 18 or older, with a learning disability and can spare a few minutes to share your experience by filling out this survey?

This survey will help guide future opportunities in Canada for those with LD’s. The anonymous results will be gathered in a report to teach us what gaps exist, where help is needed, and provide valuable information about those living with LD’s.

The Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC) proudly shares this research project - the Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities (CFOLD) survey.

Canadian Faces of Learning Disabilities (CFOLD) (

Stocking Stuffers

Pick up a Learner’s Licence Prep Kit at any Alberta Registry or buy the App on your phone or tablet. Click the photo to visit our website.